So far everything's looking great and the CDs all sound good as well (not pictured since they were mailed off to set up the digital download stuff). A few jackets & the box itself weren't done as of the samples' shipment a few weeks back (so this photo isn't quite everything), but we're finally in the home stretch now!
I almost can't believe how massive of a project this has been. I knew it would be insane, but when you really break it down it's basically like an entire year's worth of releases all crammed into one giant beast/bitch of a project. I can easily say this has been the biggest & most difficult production we've done yet and I will rest a whole lot better once this thing is finally done & in everyone's hands. Definitely gotten a grey hair or ten over this one.
But that's not to say that the excitement's waned at all, as I feel as strong as ever that this thing should be worth all the trouble, delays, patience, money and everything that everyone has put into this. I want to extend another round of appreciation from myself and the band members for everyone who pre-ordered this having leagues of patience in waiting for the final product.

It's also exciting to say that FLOOR has had their first round of practices for their upcoming live reunion shows in March & April! They ran through each of the 3 drummers different sets, and ironed out the kinks for what should be a pretty awesome series of shows. A ton of band-shot footage was taken as well, with the following clip one of the only ones to have surfaced thus far:
I seriously can't wait for these live shows, and we should have the box sets in your hands well beforehand as well. So everyone who plans to attend will have time to bone up on the massive amount of material the band will be playing over 3 sets each night.
Another update on the realistic/expected arrival ETA should be coming within just a week or so... but in the meantime, Anthony's first interview in probably 8+years has been posted online and is a good read:
Thank you again for all of your patience, it means the world to us.
-Andy / Robotic Empire